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URL :  French language course
Author : Wikibooks contributors
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Last published: 2010

A french language course

eBook Contents

Lessons (Introductory: Introduction, The Alphabet, Greetings, Formal Speech, Numbers, The Date, Telling Time, Review, Test - Level One: Basic Grammar, To Be, description, Family, Recreation, The House, Weather, Travel, Art, Science - Level Two: School, Culture, Shopping, Going Out, Transportation, Everyday Life, Rural Life, Food and drink, Dining, Communication - Level Three: Vacations, Work, Health, Money, Youth, Adolescence, Ancient History, Revolution, Modern France Current Events) - Grammar (Adjectives, Adverbs, Articles, Negation, Prepositions, Sentences, Verbs, Conjugations, Verb tenses sorted by type, Verb moods) - Appendices - Texts

Wikibooks Edition

eBook License: Creative Commons

Free ebook to download in PDF format - 7,84 Mb - 226 pages

Tags: french learning

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