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URL :  Global Warming and the Free State - Maryland
Author : Jane M. Hawkey
Detail : 2008 | PDF | 10.9 MB | 92 pages

eBook License: Public access from http://www.umces.edu

This is an assessment of the likely consequences of the changing global climate for Maryland’s agricultural industry, forestry resources, fisheries resources, freshwater supply, aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems, and human health. It was undertaken by the Scientific and Technical Working Group of the Maryland Commission on Climate Change as part of the Commission’s charge to develop a Plan of Action to address the drivers and causes of climate change and prepare for its likely consequences in Maryland.

The Assessment was based on extensive literature review and model projections. In addition to the scientific literature, other international, national, and regional assessments of the impacts of climate change were consulted. The results from supercomputer models of the responses of climate to increased greenhouse gas concentrations were used to project future conditions for Maryland. (From Author)

eBook Contents

Executive Summary - Purpose Of The Assessment - Why Is The World’s Climate Changing? - Approach To Assessing Recent & Future Climate Change - Recent & Likely Climate Changes In Maryland - Water Resources & Aquatic Ecosystems - Coastal Vulnerability From Sea-Level Rise & Storms - Chesapeake Bay & Coastal Ecosystems - Human Health - Implications For Mitigation & Adaptation

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