Detail : | Date of publication: 1862
eBook License: Public Domain
Les Misérables is a novel written by the French politician and poet Victor Hugo. The book was published in 1862 and is considered one of the most important works of the nineteenth century. This epic novel uses a romantic style to promote an analysis of good and evil, law, politics, ethics, justice, and religion.
French history inspired Victor Hugo to situate the novel within the historical context. For that reason, the characters live in the Rebellion of June (1832) and the subsequent political changes.
The June 1832 rebellion was an antimonarchical uprising in Paris (France). There the Republicans rebelled against the regime. On May 16 of 1832, after the president's death, Casimir Pierre Périer, the rebellion began. The uprising started with the efforts of the Republicans, who tried to change the July monarchy of Louis-Philippe.
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Main topics: love, kindness, clergy, criminal, destiny, imprisonment, childhood, fault, woman, war, heroism, injustice, justice, poverty, orphan, worker, people, police, progress, redemption, republic, revolution, sacrifice, society, city.
Full original french version also available in five volumes:
Les Misérables