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URL :  The Evolving Biology Textbook in Chicago Secondary Schools
Author : Addie Beatrice Cain
Detail : eBook Edition: 1986

The overall purpose of this study is to examine and identify trends in the teaching of biology as reflected by the textbooks used in Chicago Public Secondary Schools; specifically, those used from the progressive era (1890) to the present (1980s). In addition, an analysis was made to determine the extent to which social and educational trends have influenced these textbooks.

The time period chosen, corresponds to the developmental stages listed by Schwab. Stage I-1890-1929: This stage was based on two factors: what was known about biology at the time and the supposed goals of the high school student. Stage II-1929-1957: This stage expanded and modified Schwab's earlier works. (From Author)

eBook Contents

Introduction - Developments During The Progressive Era: 1890-1929 - Developments During The Pre And Post World War Ii 16 18 33 Period: 1929-1957 - Developmental Trends: 1957-1980 - Summary And Conclusions

eBook License: Creative Commons http://creativecommons.org

Free PDF eBook – 3.9 Mb – 153 Pages
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